
Celebrating Great: Certification Nation Day

Written by Marina Rivas | Nov 8, 2023 12:29:34 PM

Certification Nation Day is the annual celebration for Great Place To Work-Certified clients globally. This day is all about celebrating Great work on building Great cultures, and most importantly, the people who make it great: employees! It's the chance for organisations around the world to embrace, celebrate and share their Great Place to Work Certificationwith the world.


What is the Great Place to Work Certification?

The Great Place to Work Certification™ is the recognition built from your employees' experience that allows you to learn what resonates with them most and build a high-trust organisational culture. Getting Certified™ gives you a third party validation elevating your brand to differentiate yourself from competitors and put your organisation at the top of every job seeker's wishlist. Earning Certification is not just an occasion for joy — it’s also a strategic move that enhances your company’s reputation, attracts job candidates, and inspires current employees.

Maintaining Certification™ demonstrates that your company is agile, credible, adaptable, and constantly looking for new ways to do things, which is critical not only to the company's success but also to its survival. Great Place to Work allows everyone’s voice to be heard, whether your employees work remotely, in hybrid mode, or 100% on-site. 


The impact of Certification™ in Ireland 

Key figures

This year, we saw a total of 54,392 employees surveyed - that's 1 out of every 100 people in Ireland!


Among these Certifiedorganisations:

  • 90.5% of employees agreed that "when you join the company, you are made to feel welcome"
  • 83.4% agreed that "management is approachable, easy to talk with"
  • And 80.2% agreed with the statement, "taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work".


Certification builds trust and pride

Many companies say they put their people first, regardless of whether or not their actions actually back up their claim. So how do customers and job seekers know which companies really care for their employees? That’s where Certification comes in.

It’s not something companies can fabricate. It’s not anecdotal. It’s a trusted stamp of approval, backed by quantitative and qualitative data from real employee survey responses. It shows potential job seekers and others that you truly care about your employees’ experience and are committed to building and maintaining high-trust company culture. Now is the perfect time to show your commitment to being a people-first organisation.

Getting Certified sends a clear message to employees that you care about their experience and their wellbeing. And when people feel like their company invests in them, they'll put in their best for their company. 



How to celebrate

Earning a prestigious Great Place to Work recognition means you've taken the first step towards understanding how your employee experience stacks up and getting recognised for the great workplace you’ve built.

With this distinction comes many benefits, including your very own Great Place to Work logo. The logo is proof of the outstanding workplace that your team has built and is only the beginning of the good things to come. But how should you show it off?


Your company website

Your website is one of the main visual representations of your company that reflects its identity. Make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your interest in creating a high-trust culture! You can display your recognition logo on your careers page, “about us” page, or write about your Great Place to Work journey through blog articles. Not only it is attractive for current and potential business partners, it is your chance to showcase your unique culture to prospective employees!


Social media

Are you looking to attract talent? When prospective employees want to get a sense of your company’s culture, they will often visit your social media pages. 

Did you celebrate your recognition announcement with a party? Share those pictures with your audience to let them know that your company takes high-trust culture seriously. Social Media are now the mainstream media and millennials favourite digital platforms. Showcasing your recognition on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. is one of the most efficient ways to show the world the great things you achieve. Tag your posts with the related hashtag (#GPTWcertified) so we can celebrate with you!



Be creative!

The best way to promote your Great Place to Work recognition is actually to do it your own way: be creative and authentic! Include your recognition in your own style, culture and brand strategy. You don’t have to follow the steps and we love seeing people who think outside the box. You can display the logo on goodies like pens, umbrellas and badges. For your internal parties, photobooths and food branding are other amazing ideas to keep in mind!


Check out our blog for more tips on how best to activate your GPTW recognition


Need more inspiration? Check out examples from some of our amazing clients below on how they have activated their achievement!





And to get more information on how to get Certified™ as a Great Place to Work, check out our webinar below 👇



About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries.

To join the thousands of companies that have committed to building high-trust company cultures that help them attract, retain and take care of their people, contact us about getting Certified today.