
How Every Organisation Can Develop a Great Culture

Written by Anthony Hickey | May 11, 2021 4:45:00 PM

You might feel that your organisation isn’t quite ready to join the Great Place to Work Programme. Perhaps it is the case that you feel your culture isn’t set up to receive recognition as a Great Workplace, or that you haven’t got the extravagant perks and beanbag decked office you believe you need. The Great Place to Work Journey, however, is about far more than recognition


The Great Place to Work Journey

For almost twenty years, some of Ireland’s most recognisable organisations of all sizes and industries develop their culture by measuring and building trust through the Great Place to Work framework

The Great Place to Work model delivers insights on what areas you are excelling in and what areas you can improve. For this, all employees and leaders are surveyed to understand their current experience and analyse the people practices that are in place. We then partner with your organisation to build out an action plan that will improve your workplace. 

What you won’t hear from us, is that you need to invest a small fortune into perks and your office décor, we believe Great Cultures are built by focusing on doing the basics well.

Not all of the organisations within the Great Place to Work Community, now known for their culture, achieved Best Workplaces Certification in their first year with us. Rather, the framework has acted as a barometer of the trust levels of their organisation, with that data being turned into actions as a collaborative effort.

One request we often get is "can we get an example of how the Great Place to Work framework supports an organisation to improve their workplace culture". The Avantcard (now Avantmoney) and Woodie's journeys below show how our model can support an organisation’s journey to establishing a high trust culture. 


In Avantcard’s journey, CEO, Chris Paul, offers insight into how the organisation developed a high trust culture through the Great Place to Work Programme. Chris discusses:

  • The actions Avantcard took to become a high trust organisation
  • Survey results as beneficial as a catalyst for addressing pain points
  • Developing action plans in a trust-building framework
  • How culture development is a continuous process
  • How action planning can motivate and inspire colleagues




In Woodie’s journey, you will hear CEO, Declan Ronayne, discuss their Great Place to Work Journey:

  • The actions Woodies took to move from low trust to high trust organisation
  • The value of the Great Place to Work model to culture development
  • Utilising the Trust Index to understand areas to action
  • Engaging staff and leadership in the trust-building process
  • The relationship between culture and bottom-line profits for the business




Consider the accounts shared above, neither organisation achieved recognition in their first year in the programme. This did not mean they were not ready to participate, quite the opposite is true. These organisations are exactly who we want to join us - both wanted to develop their organisation into a more positive and productive environment.

If you feel you might not be a Great Place to Work yet, then you are the perfect candidate for the programme. The Great Place to Work Journey is about culture, people, trust and performance - the recognition will follow naturally.


More resources and examples on developing a great organisational culture:

About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries.

To join the thousands of companies that have committed to building high-trust company cultures that help them attract, retain and take care of their people, contact us about getting Certified™ today.