
How Great Workplaces Will Shape the Future of Work

Written by Anthony Hickey | Apr 20, 2021 3:03:24 PM

Where the future of work is concerned, there is a tendency to speak as though we have already arrived at our destination, or that we are mere passengers on the journey, with little influence over our trajectory. Neither are true, both assumptions disempower organisations and the individuals who comprise them. 

It is possible now, to be agents of change and exert influence that will guide how we work for years to come. It is the organisations at the forefront of their industries, those who push the boundaries of organisational culture that will be looked at to determine the shape the future of work is taking. This bears reflecting on, the future is not prescribed, it is shaped through rigorous planning and informed actions.


Change as a Process

Many organisations will have found themselves operating entirely or partially remote over the last couple of years, and there were decisions to be made on the extent to which this would remain the case. It is how an organisation arrives at those decisions that shapes the culture moving forward. The means through which choices are made and communicated will play a major role in the success of any model, whether that be fully remote, on-site, or hybrid.


Amongst Ireland’s Best Workplaces, an average of 75% of employees agree that: Management involves people in decisions that affect their jobs or work environment.

Amongst Ireland’s Best Workplaces, an average of 81% of employees agree that: Management genuinely seeks and responds to suggestions and ideas.


From the data above, drawn from the combined responses of tens of thousands of employees, it is clear that a Great Workplace is one where employees are given a voice and opportunities to shape their environment. Of course, it is not possible to involve employees in every decision; leaders will always need to make choices that guide the direction of the business, but on this issue in particular, it is beneficial to draw on the perspectives of staff members.


Communication is Key

Engage with employees, as you always have, to determine what will work for your organisation. Leverage those tried and tested communication tools to arrive at a decision as a group.

Solutions for Organisations

  • Communicate your intention to develop future working arrangements
  • Hold focus groups to understand the associated challenges and opportunities
  • Draw on survey data to understand the areas to focus on and develop actions plans
  • In a hybrid model, collaborate to determine reasons for coming together on-site
  • Trust that suggestions from employees are genuine, valuable, and well-intentioned

Naturally, it is first and foremost necessary to continue to deliver for customers, clients, and external stakeholders. Ensuring continuity of service in this area will always be a priority, but there is much room for flexibility when this is occurring. Work in conjunction with your employees to shape your shared future, and your customers will surely feel the benefits of an empowered, engaged workforce.

For our part at Great Place to Work, we will be with you every step of the way. This is very much a shared journey for us, and we will be here to offer guidance and support through our consultations, publications, and webinars. Our role will be to leverage this brand to shine a spotlight on organisations that continue to create Great Workplaces, whatever form they take.


More resources on the future of work:



About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries. To join the thousands of companies that have committed to building high-trust company cultures that help them attract, retain and take care of their people, contact us about getting Certified today.