
Top 10 Tips on Leadership from Ireland’s Most Trusted Leader 2021

Written by Anthony Hickey | May 18, 2021 3:59:01 PM

What constitutes high trust leadership and why is it valuable to organisational success? How can a high trust culture be developed and perpetuated

In our Future of Work Webinar Series, we hosted a conversation between two insightful panellists who sought to address all these questions. Colin Hughes, Head of the Graduate Business School with TU Dublin, drew on the insights of Paul Kelly, CEO at Fáilte Ireland and Ireland’s Most Trusted Leader 2021. The duo discussed all matters of trust and leadership during the session, driving home the tremendous value of high trust leadership to organisational success.

Paul Kelly was kind enough to offer his top ten features of high trust, high-performance cultures, which you will find a summary of below.



  1. Having a great top team that trust each other and have a shared vision and commitment.

  2. Having the right kind of strategy that draws in the expertise of those across the organisation and is clear to all employees.

  3. Developing effective organisational structures and process, to the extent individuals understand their role and are clear on processes.

  4. Adopting a robust, fair, and developmental focused performance management system which applies consistently across the organisation.

  5. Integrating a set of collaboratively created values and related core behaviours that can guide expectations and performance within the organisation.

  6. Adopting 360-degree feedback for all people managers, gathering feedback from a range of perspectives to understand the interpersonal and collaborative impact of actions.

  7. Seeking external 360-degree feedback, understanding performance and expectations from the perspective of external stakeholders.

  8. Practising systematic recognition, formal, informal, and ad-hoc thanking practices which can demonstrate an appreciation for actions that contribute to the group’s success.

  9. Skip level engagement, ensuring a consistent flow of information down through multiple ranks and roles.

  10. Engaging with the Great Place to Work model, surveying staff to understand the extent to which an organisation is delivering a high trust environment for all employees.


Excellent insights and just a sample of what was discussed during the session - watch the full recording: Ireland's 2021 Most Trusted Leader: How high trust leadership can build high trust cultures



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Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries.

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