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Office of Government Procurement

Office of Government Procurement

Updated October 2024.

About Office of Government Procurement

Company Overview The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) plays a key role in helping the State to save money when buying goods and services. We are responsible for sourcing common goods and services for the public sector, saving our clients both time and money. Our experts are available to support with all aspects of the public procurement process. We also work closely with the business community to promote procurement opportunities for SMEs. The OGP operates as an office of the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform (DPENDPDR).
certification January 2023
Company Size 25
Office of Government Procurement Head Office
Dublin 1

Culture Overview

EMPOWER is the OGP's People Strategy. It focuses on how we best develop our capabilities and careers and build a great place to work. EMPOWER ties into our organisational Strategic Objectives and guides the OGP in all of its activities to ensure that we provide the right working environment to enable our people to thrive. Building our leadership capability - Leader 360 is a new OGP programme that challenges our people to continuously develop their leadership capability. The programme supports our people in building their leadership capability aligned with the OGP Leadership Model and our People Strategy;

Word from the top
We’re delighted to be certified again as a Great Place to Work. We set out on this journey to have an externally benchmarked feedback mechanism to help us enact meaningful change and ensure that our people felt recognised, trusted and wanted to do their best work for the Irish public. I am proud of the work done every day by our people contributing to our culture of trust, respect, pride and fairness. Thank you to every one of our talented people at the OGP who have supported and enabled this process Paul Quinn Chief Executive Officer

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise Office of Government Procurement on the following Best Workplaces Lists.

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