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Plan International Ireland

Plan International Ireland

Updated October 2024.

About Plan International Ireland

Company Overview Founded in 1937, Plan International is a development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Girls in the poorest regions are among the most disadvantaged people on the planet. They are more likely to live in poverty, be denied access to school, forced into early marriage and to go hungry, simply because they are young and female. We work with girls and their communities to build schools, educate teachers, and improve numeracy and literacy. We dig wells and build toilets. We work to end child marriage, child labour and child trafficking. We provide vocational training, and loans to start small businesses, and much more. In emergencies, we save lives and ease suffering by providing food, shelter, water, and sanitation, while also creating safe spaces to protect and keep children in school. We are non-political and non-denominational. We work at local, national, and international level to tackle the root causes of child poverty and create a more equal world for all children. We work in the poorest regions and countries where we can have the biggest impact on child poverty, across 7 countries. Our Irish office works with the most vulnerable communities and children living in poverty or fleeing conflict or disasters. Our Irish work is focused in West and Central Africa, the Middle East (with Syrian refugees) and in Asia in Nepal, and Vietnam.
certification November 2024
Company Size 26
Plan International Ireland Head Office
Dublin 8

Culture Overview

Our Purpose is at the heart of our culture. We have a warm safe welcoming caring and inclusive culture, where all staff are treated with respect, have equal opportunities and are encouraged to reach their potential. We do not have HR professionals directly employed. Instead, our culture and values require management to treat staff in a professional, caring way ensuring all are treated with dignity, fairness and respect.As a Children’s Charity our staff appreciate the Purpose of the organisation, i.e., We strive for a just world, that advances children’s rights, especially girls. While we try to pay a fair wage, salaries in Plan International Ireland are not as good as the salaries that our staff could command in Private or Public sectors. To retain our staff we engage and manage them in a professional, positive respectful and caring way. We invest in and show them how they will grow and develop skills and competencies while working with Plan. Friday 11’s is a regular break in our diaries to have a coffee and chat with colleagues. This helps to build friendships across the different teams. Every two weeks pairs of employees are selected randomly to have a virtual coffee with a colleague for 15-20 minutes. The 5@5 bi weekly internal newsletter keeps everyone informed about what’s going on in the organisation – who is focusing on what etc. To help all staff better understand the work we have regular Brown Bag Lunches. These lunches can really inspire staff across the organisation as they learn about the work that we do and the people whom we assist.Staff meetings are held approximately every two months. These give an opportunity to communicate strategy, results and achievements or just “what’s going on”. The CEO provides a general update and uses the opportunity to give a “shout out” to either individuals or teams. The Sports and Social Committee ensure that we do not take ourselves too seriously!

Word from the top
To fulfill the promise of the 2030 Global Goals, our 4 year strategy is designed to deliver significant change for girls and boys, putting a special emphasis on gender equality. We see clear links between fulfilling children’s rights, achieving gender equality and ending child poverty. Every girl and boy has the right to be healthy, educated, protected, valued and respected in their own community and beyond. We support these rights from when children are born to when they reach adulthood. We work to ensure that girls and boys know their rights, and have the skills, knowledge and confidence to fulfill them. This approach inspires and empowers children and communities to create long-lasting change. Girls have the power to change the world. Our ambition is to work beside them and together we take action so 100 million girls learn, lead, decide, survive and thrive.

Best Workplaces Lists

Great Place To Work® is proud to recognise Plan International Ireland on the following Best Workplaces Lists.

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