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Ireland’s Best Workplaces 2021

Ireland's Best Workplaces 2021
16 March 2021

On March 10th we held our Annual Best Workplaces Awards, a yearly celebration of every organisation in Ireland that has committed to making their business a Great Place to Work.

Like everything over the last 12 months, things were a little different than usual, as we broadcasted to thousands of viewers live from the RDS as opposed to our traditional extravagant event in the Burlington Hotel. What hasn’t changed, however, is that every organisation featured on our Small, Medium, and Large lists have earned their place by being trustworthy in the eyes of their employees.

One of the core principles of the Great Place to Work Programme is that organisations have engaged in a process of building high trust cultures and there are numerous benefits to be gained from making such a commitment.



The Benefits of the Programme

Employer Branding - Talent Attraction and Retention

Recognition as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to creating an employee-centric, high trust culture, where programmes and policies are designed to benefit the individual and organisation in tandem. It is this type of environment that can give you a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining the best talent on the market.

Benchmarks – Evidence Based Improvements

Our unparalleled range of benchmarks means we can compare your organisation to those in your industry, size group, Best Workplaces, or other suitable benchmarks. We then help you transform that data into action, making evidence-based improvements to your organisational culture. This is yet another powerful tool you can avail of as one of our partner organisations.


Access to the Great Place to Work Community - Learning & Growing

When you join the Great Place to Work Programme, you become a member of our community, where you will join a network of likeminded professionals. We frequently host webinars on a range of pressing topics, where our panelists, comprising of experts in their fields and representatives from some of Ireland’s Best Workplaces offer you food for thought and practical advice to help you develop your practices and policies.


Maximising Human Potential – Trust as a Catalyst

The importance of trust to organisational success is no secret and helping organisations developing a trusting environment is our greatest passion. Even a quick glance of research findings on the topics informs us that high trust organisations enjoy better workplace outcomes. To name but a few, improvements can be found in innovation, employee retention, customer satisfaction, collaboration, and effective remote working arrangements.


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How to be recognised as a Best Workplace?

We measure trust through our Trust Index™ Survey reflecting employees trust in management and employees’ feelings about their jobs and their colleagues. The second part of the process used to determine listings is the Culture Audit™, a qualitative account submitted by clients which allows us to analyse the policies and practices that underpin their workplace culture (only necessary for Large organisations).

Combining the findings from the Trust Index Survey™ and Culture Audit™, we discover whether an organisation has met the standards required to be listed as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces.

Whether or not your organisation achieves that standard, our consultants will avail of the data received through the process and help you determine what areas to prioritise and develop impactful action plans for. This is very much a partnership and something we take great pride in.


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We want to offer a sincere thank you to our clients who have allowed us to partner with them on their culture development journey and to all of you who tuned in to watch the awards with us.

Great Place to Work is about people and an underlying philosophy that culture should maximise the potential of those within it, that it is relationships built on trust and support that ultimately drive bottom-line improvements.


About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries. To join the thousands of companies that have committed to building high-trust company cultures that help them attract, retain and take care of their people, contact us about getting Certified today.

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