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Ireland's Best Workplaces 2022 are revealed!

Ireland's Best Workplaces 2022
24 March 2022

Yesterday we revealed Ireland's Best Workplaces in 2022, during our annual Great Place to Work Awards, a yearly celebration of every organisation in Ireland that has committed to making their business a Great Place to Work.

At Great Place to Work, we believe any organisation can build a great workplace culture and our mission is to help you do it. By reading this article, you will discover who made the list this year, how to be featured on the list next year and hear about our biggest learnings from our 20 years supporting organisations in the journey to becoming great workplaces.


Great Place to Work celebrating 20 years in business

Maintaining, building and sustaining your work culture over the last couple of years has not been all plain sailing and has come with many challenges. Frontline workers in retail and healthcare have had to perform at their best and show resilience to come to work every day. Leadership in hospitality have faced massive uncertainty around reopening and trading guidelines. For many workplaces, operating in a virtual setting for such a long period of time, and maintaining the energy levels needed to sustain work culture has been tiresome.

Despite all of that, great workplaces are full of great people who “make the best” of what they are facing and navigate the challenges as best they can. They aspire to create an environment that balances performance and wellbeing. They are committed to improving their approach to people and building the trust levels between employees and leaders. 

For more than 20 years we have been supporting organisations to build great cultures. The world of work has experienced significant changes over that time where people are seen less and less as an asset, and more as an integral part of the organisations' performance. More and more great cultures are focusing on the whole person when it comes to performance and leaders are interested in building real connections with their team rather than a command and control approach. 

There is no doubt it’s going to be interesting to see how workplaces collaborate with their employees on their way of working. One thing that remains certain is the organisations that continue to focus on work culture, despite the setting, will be those that navigate the next year or so better than most. 


2022 Great Place to Work Special Report in partnership with the Irish Times 

This year again, the Great Place to Work team in partnership with The Irish Times have created a full report for you to catch up on this year's essential themes! Below is a flavour of what you will discover:

  • Who made Ireland's Best Workplaces 2022 list 
  • Who is this year's Most Trusted Leader
  • How the workplace has changed in the past 20 years
  • Best Practices in the new normal way of working 
  • How the Great Place to Work Certification helps attract and retain talent 
  • Hybrid working: Leaders need to show employees that they trust them
  • All the Special Awards Winners
  • How companies can win the war for talent
  • and much more!


Download the report below & don't forget to pick up your paper version! 👇 

Great Place to Work Magazine 2022

How to be recognised as one of Ireland's Best Workplaces™?

To be considered for Ireland's Best Workplaces™, participating organisations are required to be Certified™ as a Great Place to Work first. The Certification™ is the first step towards any Great Place to Work recognition. The great news? You can become a Great Place to Work-Certified in 6 weeks! 


Learn more on how to get Certified


About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries.

To join the thousands of companies that have committed to building high-trust company cultures that help them attract, retain and take care of their people, contact us about getting Certified™️ today.

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