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Revealed: The Best Workplaces for Women™ 2024!

12 March 2024

Now in its sixth year, the Best Workplaces for Women™ recognition is a programme that aims to recognise those top organisations which, rather than providing a great work environment for everyone in general, are creating positive and supportive workplaces for women in particular. This year Great Place to Work are recognising 35 organisations, with 2,100 female leaders represented among these organisations.

Read on to download our exclusive report in which we get insights from 9 lived experiences of women working at the Best Workplaces for Women 2024, as well as find out the full list of companies who made it this year. Congratulations to all!


What does it mean to be a Best Workplace for Women?

These organisations implement practices that ensure women have a positive workplace experience, enabling them to contribute their skills and grow personally and professionally. They prioritise gender balance in recruitment processes, establish networks for women to connect, inspire, mentor, and support one another, implement development programs to cultivate a robust pipeline of female talent, and offer  flexible work arrangements tailored to individual needs, among other initiatives. They  are paving the way for other organisations to recognise the importance of supporting women at work.

“It’s imperative that organisations are focusing on fostering an inclusive environment that values and supports women at every stage of their journey,” said Cathal Divilly, CEO at Great Place To Work Ireland. I’d like to congratulate these extraordinary companies we are recognising as the Best Workplaces for Women 2024; they are going above and beyond to ensure women in their organisation are constantly supported and empowered to bring their best selves to work.”


Download the Best Workplaces for Women™ Report 

The Best Workplaces for Women wouldn't be possible without the contribution of the amazing women in these organisations who put forth their experiences and share their stories. We've put together an exclusive report to showcase this, in which you can read all about the lived experience of 9 women working at the Best Workplaces™ for Women, and how their organisations strive to create a truly inclusive workplace culture. Hear from PepsiCo, Cpl, CluneTech and more, and take a look at how your organisation can apply to be recognised as a Best Workplace for Women™️ next year. 

best workplaces for women 2024


Our partners


This year again, we have partnered with The Gloss. The Best Workplaces for Women will be promoted and get visibility through this partnership. These organisations have the chance for a female employee to be interviewed about their lived experience and to share the unique ways that their organisation is supporting women in their workplace.

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We are also delighted to continue our partnership with The Menopause Hub
again this year. In 2023, we came together to deliver Ireland’s first Menopause Workplace Excellence Awards, which recognise and award those employers who are doing pioneering and ground-breaking work to support menopausal and perimenopausal women at work. We look forward to growing the partnership in 2024, and achieve our collective vision that every woman that experiences menopause in the workplace to feel comfortable and supported by their colleagues, managers, supervisors and HR.

"Great Place to Work are delighted to highlight the work the Menopause Hub does to educate and train organisations to become menopause friendly workplaces, and will be joining them as Ireland’s first-ever Menopause Friendly Workplaces programme - which will recognise efforts by employers to create supportive environments for women going through menopause - is rolled out," said Fania Stoney, Business Development Strategist at Great Place to Work.




Discover the full list below 👇

Discover now best workplaces for women




How can your organisation be recognised as a Best Workplace for Women™ in 2025?

To be considered for the Best Workplaces for Women recognition, participating organisations are required to be Certified™ as a Great Place to Work first. The Certification™ is the first step towards any Great Place to Work recognition. 

Want to know more info on how to be Certified™ as a Great Place to Work? Check out our webinar below to get all your questions answered!

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About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. We help organisations quantify their culture and produce better business results by creating a high-trust work experience for all employees. We recognise Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies and the Best Workplaces™ in more than 60 countries. To join the thousands of companies that have committed to building high-trust company cultures that help them attract, retain and take care of their people, click below to contact us about getting Certified today.

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